My Coach Logo

Personal training at your fingertips

Train with an elite coach. At home, at the park, or on the go.

Get Started
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My Coach Logo

One-on-one coaching.

Our coaches have trained everyone from pro athletes to players who are just getting started. No matter your age or level, your coach will adapt to your needs.

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Your custom training plan.

Each week, your coach creates a new training plan to fit your schedule and goals. They design guided workouts personalized just for you.

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Constant contact.

Your coach tracks your progress and checks in to keep you consistent. Message your coach if you have any questions and send them vidoes of yourself training.


Find your coach

Pick your coach. If you know what coach you are looking for, that’s easy, just search for them in the coaches list. They may have also given you a direct link to their profile.

Connect with your coach

Answer a few questions to help your coach get to know you. Share your goals and let your coach know what areas you want to improve upon. Throught your journey you and your coach will continue adjusting your plan.

Start training

Access your weekly workouts in our iOS or Android app and get to work. Your coach will check in to keep you on track.

My Coach LogoMy Coach Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Whats included in my subscription?

Can I have multiple coaches?

How does billing work?